Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ooooooo.....shiny things!

Have I mentioned that my adorable 5 month old has the attention span of a.... well.... 5 month old? I realize it might be a bit much to ask him to concentrate on a documentary film, but you would think that something that is as basic as eating would be focus worthy. Kane wants the food delivered to his tummy, but not in a way that would hinder him from observing his world for even 30 seconds. This child would do great with a crazy straw. Unfortunately, I am not plumbed in anyway that resembles a crazy straw. Due to this obvious malfunction on my part, Kane has begun testing the elasticity of human breasts.

Gentleman, (if there are any that read this blog) feel free to depart this page at any point.

Ladies, can I hear an "amen"?

I realize that at this point the "pull and gawk" maneuver I have been experiencing is relatively mild considering the lack of teeth in the equation. However, as I gaze into the cloudy future of breastfeeding, I sense a throwdown coming my way.

Kane's innate curiosity of his surroundings is adorable to watch when he is not attached to my chest. However, I have begun to wonder if those stretch marks I am seeing are from actual stretching. Now I'm not saying that I am experiencing this, but this child is testing serious boundaries of the flesh. He is distracted by ANYTHING, a fly, someone clearing their throat in the backyard, the reflection of my ring on the ceiling... absolutely anything is up for consideration and he likes to take the nipple with him to observe.

I've been telling him "no" and detaching him, however this results in him thinking it is a fun "suck and detach" game which I want no part of. So, I've been putting "dinner" away and playing with him until he is ready to eat again. But I am concerned that I run the risk of promoting "snack time" by doing this. I know I've got to get this habit somewhat handled before teeth emerge, so I've begun searching for a crazy straw breast attachment. Let me know if you have any leads on that.


  1. That is a SUPER cute picture of Kane! He is looking so much like Kyle! I totally see Kyle in his chin and mouth. Anyway, he's adorable. And even though I, too, experienced boob-stretch, I have no ideas on the cure. All I can say is it helps to have a good technique for breaking suction. =) I clicked on the link.... and got quite an education! Wow, what a crazy genetic phenomenon.
    Be sure to post photos when you find crazy straw boob attachments.

  2. Amen. =) This is preparing you for the gymnastic nursing that happens later, just FYI. Years ago, my LLL leader referred to this stage as the "run to the bedroom and leap under the covers, pull them over both your heads and nurse so there's the least amount of distracting things" time. Good luck. <3

  3. Amen, and ouch! You know...I see the potential for a patent here! lol
